Sunday, 10 July 2011

Kidney Disease in Cats

Kidney disease is a commpn disease especially in older cats. However there are some treatments available that can reduce her suffering andgive her a full life.

CONGENITAL KIDNEY DISEASE- The disease can be congenital- that is from birth, perhaps inherited from her parents.

ACQUIRED KIDNEY DISEASE- Many cats who have kidney disease acquire ir during their life times simply as a  result of aging or infection or injury.

CHRONIC KIDNEY FAILURE- If a cat has chronic kidney failure symptoms will not show until up to 75% of kidney function  has been lost.

ACUTE KIDNEY FAILURE- In most cases there is a sudden shut down of kidney function. In most cases the prognosis for the cat is poor.

DIAGNOSIS- A regular check at the vets can detect signs of the disease, weight loss, dehydration , aneamia and enlargement of the kidneys. Examination of her eyes can indicate high blood pressure which is a common symptom of kidney failure in cats. Blood tests or ultrasound scans can confirm the diagnosis.

DIET AND MEDICATION- Kidney disease in cats can be treated by a mixture of a low protein diet and ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors which reduce excessive protein, reduce blood pressure and increase the lifespan of your cat.

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