Friday 14 October 2011

Putting your cat to sleep

What do you do when your veterinarian says that they can do no more for your cat. A friend of mine faced this only two days ago. Her cat, adopted from another family three years ago, had been acting quite strangely for two or three days. She was not eating, which in itself was worrying, and then in the morning she was found with her head in the water bowl. On investigation the Veterinary Hospital did some tests and found that she had kidney failure and diabetes. Meg was an older cat and had enjoyed good health until the previous week. Athough failing kidneys and diabetes can be treated the veterinarian said it would involve a long hospital stay which would be stressful to the cat plus owing to her age there was no guarantee that her quality of life could be sustained. My friend took the brave decision and agreed to have her put to sleep- her pain and sufferring were over and I like to think she is jumping through the clouds chasing imaginery birds and rays of sunlight. Rest In Peace, Meg.

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